Monday, September 2, 2013

Eating Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce

Eating Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce

Eating Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce

By Gloria Mason

Chicken wings are a popular appetizer to have at home or eat out. There are many flavors as well as varieties but the one that is the most popular is hot buffalo style. Yet there are some brave people out there who like to add ghost pepper wing sauce to their chicken.

For anyone who likes a challenge or just enjoys eating really hot food, this sauce is the ultimate in heat. The capsaicin levels are almost in seven figures and anyone who eats too much of this may need medical attention. However, this sauce is growing in popularity.

Due to the increasing diversity in our culture, this has reflected in everyday cuisine choices as well. Supermarkets are more likely to carry herbs and spices that once needed to be imported from another country. Spices that are spicy or have an intense flavor are no exception when it comes to consumer demand.

The every growing foodie culture has also been inspired by this shift in demographics and is very curious about the different tastes that come from overseas. Not only will they eat exotic meals but will try these when cooking at home. Since it costs less to eat at home, this is slowly becoming popular.

This has also led to eating contests for things like chicken wings, hot dogs, and other appetizers or snacks. Competitions can be found both locally and on a national level. The larger the contest, the more likely it is to be covered in a variety of mediums, including television.

When it comes to extreme flavors, this seems to garner the most attention from viewers. Some foods or drinks are really sweet, sour, or salty that the average person can only consume so much of without having a reaction. However, when it comes to spices, it is sometimes hard for participants to remain in control.

What many people find is that some of these hot sauces are a great way to add life to certain entrees. Recipes that are normally bland can easily wake up by adding a cup or two of sauce to the mix or sauce. This is a good alternative to eating out or just a nice way to try something new.

For people who are interested in finding out more about different hot sauces from around the world, there are websites and forums dedicated to such. Some of these have events where people can sample and meet others who share the same interests. Many send alerts to those who subscribe.

This is to say that hot sauces can offer a lot more than shock value as many have a lot of genuine flavor and lend itself well to meats and vegetables. When used carefully, they can inspire new recipes. Ghost pepper wing sauce and many others can provide a tasty alternative to just about any snack or entree.

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Eating Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce

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Eating Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce

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