Friday, October 11, 2013

How The Benefits Of Olive Oil Can Assist An Older Audience

How The Benefits Of Olive Oil Can Assist An Older Audience

How The Benefits Of Olive Oil Can Assist An Older Audience

By Rob Sutter

When you start to climb up in terms of age, it seems like you have to keep better tabs on the things that you eat. Your diet is one of the most important aspects of your life, especially when you start to reach your 50′s or 60′s. These are the points where what you done in the past is going to impact you the most, the way that I see it. This means that you’re going to have to build a diet with better components, the benefits of olive oil potentially being included.

Why would I talk about the benefits of olive oil in tandem with the elderly, you may be wondering? It’s apparent that this oil is one of the best that you take into the body, whether it is utilized as a glaze of sorts or even for cooking purposes. Both of these methods will help you attain the beneficial properties which are correlated with this type. Authorities along the lines of Flavor Your Life can tell you all that there is to know about it, too.

According to the Olive Oil Times, a study was uncovered thanks to the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. It placed 62 individuals – each of them between 65 and 96 years of age – into two separate groups. One of the groups was able to continue on with their diets while the other would go on to utilize EVOO, more specifically daily rounds of 50ml each. I was especially interested in how this would go and, more importantly, what the results would wind up displaying.

This would persist for a period of six weeks until the groups would eventually return and the results would be calculated. According to such outcomes, the group which utilized the EVOO saw fewer instances of high cholesterol, which is one positive to associate with it. However, the “good cholesterol” in the body – given the name HDL – was high, which helps even more. With antioxidants being at greater levels as well, it’s apparent that the alternate group benefitted immensely thanks to the usage of this healthful type of oil.

I think that the elderly has done a great deal with this study and the benefits of olive oil have never been better used for them. The Mediterranean diet has been said to be the optimal diet for such people and I think that few people will argue the point. It seems like the diet brings together all of the good products – lean meats, produce, what have you – and a better way of living comes to the surface. For those who are looking to be healthier in the long run, this is one possible route.

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How The Benefits Of Olive Oil Can Assist An Older Audience

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How The Benefits Of Olive Oil Can Assist An Older Audience

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